Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Consider This--Pico Iyer in San Francisco

I got to the Ferry Building last Friday night early enough to snag two seats in the front row to hear Pico Iyer talk about his new book, The Man within My Head, his meditation on Graham Greene, in whose life and writing experiences Iyer finds deep connection. I’ve never been particularly infatuated with Greene, but I could listen to Iyer for hours. He writes travel essays, travel books, general essays, and fiction. His words always invade my mind (TIME Magazine said that Graham Greene “invaded our minds.”) Here are some snippets of Iyer’s talk that resonated with me:
"Our subconscious makes irrational but powerful connections…anything you can explain isn’t really important...there is no magic in the writing process, but certainly mystery…we fight against our parents until we find we become them”
That last one is haunting, for sure.

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